Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pigeon Control: Problems & Solutions…by the Numbers

Bird Repellent Products, Get rid of birds with bird repellent products.

Pigeons can create all sorts of annoying problems for today’s property owners.

  1. Pigeons Carry Diseases. These “dirty birds” often gather in huge flocks on buildings. When they do, they pose a threat to human health and safety. Their droppings can carry a virus called encephalitis, which can cause an inflammation of the brain. In fact, they can carry any of 60 known diseases, including salmonellosis and ornithosis, a disease similar to viral pneumonia.
  2. The Stench & Mess of Droppings. This can negatively impact the appearance of a home or business. The sheer weight of bird droppings has led to the structural collapse of ceilings. The slip-and-trip hazards bird droppings leave on walkways, steps and entrances can be especially dangerous. 
  3. Major Clean-Up Costs. For businesses, this can become a major expense. Removing nesting materials and accumulated droppings can sometimes require specialists in "moon suits" to protect them from disease-carrying clouds of droppings created when hardened droppings are sand blasted away.
  4. Fire Hazard. Pigeons roosting and nesting near electrical equipment and wiring can create a fire hazard. 

Using pellet guns and poisons to get rid of pigeons can be dangerous to pets and children. These measures are also considered inhumane. Egg removal, birth-control pills and food deprivation take three to five years to be effective. Fortunately, there are far more efficient, expedient and humane ways to achieve pigeon control.

  1. Bird Slopes Blend In to Keep Pigeons Out. These angled, slippery PVC panels simply won’t allow pigeons to purchase a landing. Ideal for the many 90-degree nooks and crannies found in most structures, the panels even come in several colors to blend in with a structure’s aesthetics. The best bird slope panels are made of UV-stabilized polycarbonate to last longer in tough outdoor weather.
  2. Bird Wire Systems Keep Pigeons off Balance. Most birds prefer a stable landing area. Bird wire systems provide anything but that. These post-and-spring-wire set-ups make pigeons “wobble and weave ‘til they leave.” Ideal for railings, rooftops and similar extensions where pigeons prefer to land, wire systems install easily and are  often used on Federal and State government buildings. The best bird wire systems feature nylon coated stainless steel wire for lasting durability.
  3. Bird Spikes Create a No-Landing Zone. Making it virtually impossible for pigeons to land, Bird Spikes come in rigid UV-resistant unbreakable polycarbonate or longer-lasting stainless steel. These pigeon control strips even come in a variety of colors--including white, tan, gray, black, brown, brick red and crystal clear—to make them far less conspicuous. The bird spikes can be easily glued,  screwed or nailed to any surface.
  4. Sonic Repellers Drive Pigeons Away. Pigeons won't nest or roost near the sound of peregrine falcons (a pigeon's dreaded enemy) defending their territory. And that’s exactly what Sonic Bird Deterrents imitate—the sounds of their most fearsome enemy attacking and squawking. Sonic repellers repeat these sounds on a regular basis. And they won’t annoy pets or humans.

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