Friday, April 1, 2011

Got Pigeon Control?

by Alex A. Kecskes
Pigeons, pigeons and more pigeons. They're everywhere. Nesting and roosting and laying claim to our homes, businesses and parks. On occasion, we like to feed them. Which unfortunately just encourages them to gather in larger flocks. And that means a bigger mess and more long-term damage. Damage that costs America upwards of one billion dollars annually.

We've seen what pigeon poop can do. It can ruin wood and metal, crumble concrete and fancy stonework, even stop a big industrial sized air conditioner. And since pigeon poop is rich in bacteria, fungi and parasites, it poses a considerable health risk. Experts will tell you that pigeon droppings can carry and transmit any of 60 known diseases. Add to that the fleas, mites and ticks that bury themselves in pigeons and you've got one disease carrying bird on your hands. All the more reason for getting the best pigeon control available.

What to do? Cull and destroy our fine-feathered friends? No need. Not with today's more effective methods of pigeon control. And there are so many to choose from.

For starters, there's the inexpensive category of pigeon scare products available today. These include bright, colorful banners that rattle and wave in the breeze. Sometimes referred to as foil or flash tape, they are easily affixed to almost any object and will discourage pest pigeons from landing and nesting. The same holds true for another pigeon control device, the balloon. It not only whips about in the breeze but has large predator eyes to scare pigeons away.

Highly successful in keeping pigeons from landing and roosting are bird wire systems.

This method of pigeon control uses a post and wire system that provides an unstable landing area for pigeons. The low profile bird proof deterrent is ideal for keeping pigeons off ledges, parapet walls, rooflines, handrails and similar troublesome areas. Once pigeons try to land on the wobbly wire, they simply move on to find a better perch. Approved for use on Federal and State government structures, bird wire systems are humane, safe and economical. Better systems use nylon coated stainless steel wire to withstand harsh weather.

Just about everyone has seen our next category of pigeon control devices--the bird spike. These have proven so successful that you can now get them in a variety of styles and materials. There's the plastic spike made of rigid U.V.-resistant unbreakable polycarbonate. These can be glued or nailed down to virtually any surface and come in a variety of colors. Next is the steel spike made of durable stainless steel. It comes in a non-reflective metal finish and is often recommended by architects, contractors and government agencies. Then there are also girder spikes, great for keeping pigeons and larger pest birds from landing on girders or I-beams. These typically have adjustable “C-clamps” to fit any size girder. Last in the spikes family is the gutter spike, ideal for keeping large pest birds like seagulls, crows, and pigeons from sitting on or in gutters.

Next up is the bird slope. This clever pigeon control device is essentially just a slippery, angled PVC panel. Pigeons who try to land on these do quite a dance as their feet "squirrel cage" to try and get a footing. Frustrated after a few tries, pigeons move on to more stable surfaces. Ideal for beams, ledges, eaves, and other 90-degree areas where pigeons like to nest and roost, the panels come in several of colors to match a building's décor. The best panels are made of UV stabilized polycarbonate for lasting durability.

To keep pigeons from landing on ledges, rooflines, parapet walls, signs, I-beams, and flat or curved surfaces, there's the electric-track pigeon repeller. These electrified tracks discourage pigeons from coming back by imparting a mild "jolt". Ideal for almost any flat or curved surface, the low-profile electrified tracks are easy to install and almost invisible to anyone looking up from below.

As a physical barrier, nothing beats bird netting for pigeon control. Correctly installed, pigeons simply can't get through, give up and leave. Netting is widely used to keep pigeons away from rooftops, courtyards, patio covers, and other large areas. If you want the netting to last, opt for ISO 1806 mesh test polyethylene fabric. It's U.V. stabilized, flame resistant and rot and waterproof.

Bird gel is another pigeon control solution that's been proven effective over the years. The chemical goop skins over when it dries and leaves a sticky surface that birds can't stand. Best of all, it's non-toxic and harmless to birds.
Last but not least is the scarecrow, a motion-activated sprinkler that pulses out a water stream each time it senses a pigeon flying or walking near it. The water spray, the scarecrow's moving head and the sprinkler sound--all combine to convince birds to stay away. Ideal for keeping pest pigeons away from backyards, gardens, pools/spas and other areas you want to keep clean and bird free.

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